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The Scribbler

I drew this little cobweb baby using a neat and addictive scribbler tool called ScribblerToo.  I found out about this fun diversion at the (eveyinorbit) blog.  Also worth checking out as well!  Have some good scribbly fun!!


Coleen said…
Hi Saundra, thanks for following on my blog. I'm now following on yours too. I love this little drawing. I draw too, but just haven't done it as much lately since I'm working in an art journal and playing with collage.
Now, back to explore your blog.

Blessings on your day,

Coleen in Ukraine
evey said…
love it!! isn't that scribbler thing so addictive? following your blog now, and will be back soon. thanks for the lovely comments you left on my blog. peace.
Ani said…
It's amazing that you were able to make something so beautiful from that program. I bet it was very hard. I love the drawing! -Hollychihuahua

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