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Hooray for PanPastels!

I have been having way too much fun playing with my PanPastels! And just like the name says, these are pastels in a pan. This is because there is so little binder in them that they wouldn't function in stick form. They are almost pure pigment, so a small amount goes a long way and with very little excess dust. Oh, and one other amazing thing.... PanPastels are erasable! They are a dry medium, so there is no need to worry about wrinkling your art journal pages with wet paint, and you don't need to wait for them to dry. Although, a fixer spray should be used to keep them from smearing or transferring to other pages.  I usually use Krylon workable fixative spray, though I have used hairspray in a pinch. Another big part of what makes PanPastels so wonderful are the Sofft tools that are used to apply them. These spongy foam tools were developed specifically to be used with them, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are flexible pallet knives with foam covers that can be used t o paint with and larger sponge bars that are used to block in large areas of color quickly. Cleaning in between colors is as simple as wiping off the sofft tools on a paper towel.  They can also be washed with mild soap and water.  They just need to be thoroughly dry before you use them with your pastels again.  (Let 'em dry overnight)!  There are some great videos, tips and tutorials that can be found at   Now, go grab yourself a small set of PanPastels and get to painting!


Natalie said…
Oh my goodness!! Saundra this is FABULOUS! You rock with the PanPastels, and your artwork is gorgeous! I want more tutorials on here, girlfriend! (you little enabler, you!) Now I want some (lol)
Natalie said…
BTW, your blog banner is so you! Love it!!
Anonymous said…
Wow! She is gorgeous. You are so talented!

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